Saturday, January 08, 2005

Angst of an Artist

I've considered myself an artist for a while. I studied and was involved in it hard all through highschool, went on hiatus after graduation, and now that I've found Worth1000, I'm back in full art mode. Its quite nice, to be perfectly honest.

But there's a problem.

I was taught in art that the driving purpose behind all art was to express or convey ' something'. Art had to have a meaning behind all the pretty. So what the issue, you say? Well, I hang mostly in the photography section of Worth, because that's my forte. But lately I wonder if all I'm doing is making pretty pictures that serve no real purpose. I don't know, I know that's a fairly pretentious way of thinking, and I don't think less of any of my friends behind the cameras on W1K, still its been in my mind all day. Like taking the photos I do doesn't show any measure of skill or degree of prowess. Its mostly an issue with my own photos, so its more of a self depreciation issue. This my train of thought:

Read the theme
Brainstorm Ideas
I come up with an idea that looks nice
Then I think "what, you think its going to win because it looks nice? Big deal, what's the point of the photo. Oh it fits the theme and it looks good. That's soo shallow. Ptui"

It seriously creates a lack of motivation

I'd like to think: 'So what...", and argue it away. And usually I can do that with dilemmas. But this time the words to defend myself won't come. What's a boy to do?


Blogger Eury said...

I agree with you Braden, when we enter contests .. we are not really making art.. but we keep our juices flowing.. and our learn about technique and enjoy other artists..

anyways.. when you create real art.. you don't want someone coming around and saying.. give me a painting that demonstrates "angst".. you have to be feeling "angst" to truly put that in your image... then it becomes art. Think as the contests as lessons.

I do photos at Worth.. they are contests, they are fun.. they are photos that could be used.. commercially... once in a while.. or in a blue moon.. the image you make may be "art".. it probably won't win the contest.. but when you see it you will know.

It doesn't make you less of an artist to do photos that are not "real" art... you are allowed to just lay back and have fun.. unless you don't want to.. unless you need to feel pain all the time.. and believe you can't make art without it. Then Worth.. may not be the place for you.. too much fun.. too pleasant.. too commercial.. I say... don't sweat it too much.. have fun and when "real" inspiration hits you.. make your real art.

8:51 PM  

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