Friday, December 10, 2004

Begin the Christmas Panic...

I hate my brain.

Specifically, my terrible memory. I just remembered today, FRIDAY, several very time consuming and important projects I need done by sunday. I also work every day this weekend. Sometimes I wonder if my mind is plotting against me, or just find sadistic joy in watching me burn out ever so often. Sigh.

On the plus side, I've gotten to do more "work" at taking pictures. Our church wanted me to take some quick shots of everyone for our Christmas Dinner. It was a theme program (which I will go on record as saying was entirely ridiculous), and everyone was to wear bathrobes or towels to emulate the old style of clothing worn in Jerusalem 2000 odd years ago. All the families went around for an hour and a half with little bags of "money" and bartered and traded for food. A good theory, I suppose, but I was counting on endless amounts of stuffing and turkey. Needless to say, I was thoroughly disappointed.
But it was fun taking photos of everyone though. The light was terrible, and I'm much better at closer, more intimate shots. Let me tell you, families of 8 or more people are not conducive to that style of photography. It was fun but the photos came out par at best. But it was short notice, and I arrived late. Lets call it a draw.

I'm very excited, I got my Birthday/Christmas gift from my Mum today. Or rather yesterday, today I am bringing it home. Nothing too fancy, a nice small drafting desk to put in my room. Now, I finally have some place to read and draw, and at the same time, it can be set completely level, so it will double as a nice place to do photography.

Augh, why do all the cool things have to happen the weekend I'm so busy I could heave. And don't even try and make me think about the Christmas presents I owe. Well, a hermits life for me.
If someone sees me in#w1k hyjinx, yell at me, I should probably be painting or something...


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