Thursday, July 28, 2005

On race and racism...

In my circle of friends we have a very relaxed view of race. What I mean by that is, we really don't care about it. And so I'd wager about 80% of all the jokes and fun we have is based off of each other nationalities. Since most of my friends are primarily your average hodgepodge of european whiteness, most humour is derived from, well, me.
Its a great icebreaker for new people. Nothing sets a room at ease than someone yelling out something to the effect of "Pass the chips, ya dirty asian". Maybe some of you think this is incredibly rude and very politically incorrect. To you I ask, how long has that stick been up your bum and how deep. Race matters very little in the grand scheme of things. I'm more interested in whats going on in your head than whats going on on your skin. Or with your eyelids, as the case may be. I don't get offended because its harmless. I know my friends don't really care what nationality I am, I don't really care all that much.

Which isn't to say that I'm alright with people who are actually persecuting other based on race, or making actually very rude jokes. Stuff like that isn't cool. But at the same time, getting all up in arms over an off the cuff remark is rather sensationalist, in my opinion. To be quite frank, my solution to racism and resultant hurt feelings, wars, bombings and general unpleasantness is to make race a global non-issue. People need to stop caring where their ancestors came from, and stop caring where Joe Onthestreet's genetics lie.
And then, once no one gives a second thought to our racial histories, everyone will be free to make hilarious jokes about ourselves.

These are some of my favorite jokes that have been made about my inherent Japanese-ish-ness:

Jace: You don't want anything to eat?
Braden: Nah, I don't like that (particular food) very much.
Jace: What if I wok'd it up for you? Would that be more your style?

Someone: How many fingers am I holding up?
Braden: 3
S: How can you even tell with your eyes half closed like that? (which is funny because I'm half german and I don't really have your stereotypical "asian" eyes)


Blogger donteatpoop said...

In some circles this is okay. I know it is with my freinds. It's good that you have such a relaxed view on this.

With my freinds everything is made fun of. No stone unturned. No one takes offence because it's suspected. I'm Irish/German, and the poato famine comes up almost as much as alcoholism. But the fact that I'm fat is the most regular topic for cracking on me.

But it's cool, because I sleep with all of their mothers and wives. :D

1:53 PM  

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