Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Noah would be nervous . . .

The amount of rain we've been getting is silly. Just plain silly. Almost a week of it now, straight and pretty str0ng. Everyone is complaining about it. Not me though.

I love rain. L O V E

I dream about places like Seattle or Vancouver Island. Which isn't to say I don't like sun. I just think rain has this wonderful poetic quality to it. Plus I'm a hopeless romantic and what's more sweet than being caught in the rain with your honey.
Mind you, one needs a honey first to get caught in the rain with her. Bah, details.

The region here is on severe flood alert and heavy rainfall warnings. I'm still grinning though. I wonder if this is some hint as to a deep seating sadism, whereby people being wet and miserable is the chief reason I'm so happy when it rains. And since I find that notion amusing, when it rains my good mood is self perpetuating. I don't like deriving pleasure from other suffering, but its just water so I don't feel that bad.


Blogger donteatpoop said...

I completely agree with you here. Love the rain, especially on otherwise warm days.

The sudden darkening of the sky, shielding the suns efforts. The flash of lighting and downpour of heavy drops on my skin.

When tornado warnings come and everyone else goes to the basement, I go outside to check it out. Love the storms.

1:46 PM  

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