Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Good new everyone!

Work hired a new person. This is a startling turn of events precisely because my bosses subscribe to the school of thought that if four people can do one job well, then one person can do it if they work twice as hard and get paid half as much. Wondering where the extra numbers went? Funding for the third Italy vacation in the past six months! Hurray for questionable workplace ethics! Streamers and party hats alllll niiiight!

Anyway, Buddy O'Newguy is mildly frightening. Mostly because he is like 7 feet tall and looks a bit like Lurch from the Adam's family. Except he has a british accent and make bad attempts at humour all day long. Yes I am being a bit mean. But I am also jaded. They balance out . . . somehow. Anyways, what this translates to, essentially, is me having a bit less to worry about at the price of having another person to clutter up our already cramped department. But it won't last for long though, since the chap is supposedly replacing one of our other lasses when she leaves for maternity leave.

Watching my . . . coworker . . . train the new guy is kind of funny. Its like watching Helen Keller teach Anne Geddes how to photograph babies. I'm sure she means well, but it all sounds like a bunch of nonsense, random grunting and hand flailing. The end result is about the same too. The thought of someone actually learning how to do this job from her is so preposterous it makes 50 cent look like a legitimate entertainer. It's like a mirror-world type thing.

So to wrap up, its camera day tomorrow! Celebratory keyboard mashing! a4trp89awefhiavd80 4qt*YUICI**IKLKJ


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh boy, I want in on this!giuhsdglhsdglidshgfudf'gsd;ard

Your new coworker sounds like quite the oddball. Makes me glad that the only retarded people I have at my workplace are my bosses and not my coworkers, or else I don't think I could manage to work where I do.

When your camera arrives, you'll need to post pics.. of the camera. You have another digi right? I imagine you do.

9:44 PM  
Blogger Bray said...

WHy do you want pics? I'm going to see you tomorrow night. You think I'm going to let it out of my site? I'm sleeping with it for weeks now.

11:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good point

12:05 AM  

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