Friday, April 01, 2005

The $1300 mistake no one cared about.

So, I have been less than faithful in updating this page.

Sue me.

Or, if you would prefer to keep your toes out of legal whitewater, let me amuse you with tales of woe and misfortune. On Wednesday this week I got in paper for a big big order that was going to be delivered the next day. More correctly, the paper arrived a week ago, I didn't do anything with it untill Wednesday. Anyways, It is Wednesday and for whatever reason I am seriously sleep deprived (which is odd considering I went to bed at a quasi-reasonable hour) and this all makes for a very cranky and easily distracted Braden. Long story short, I spend about an hour cutting 6 cases of special order paper the completely wrong way. I don't know this untill I stumble back to my desk to write up an invoice and go over the order information. I'm not a swearing man, but the inside of my head was more colourful than a hippy commune in 1960's San Francisco.

At this point, I decide it would be a good idea to find out eactly how much all this paper has cost the store. A few computations reveals a total loss of $1330.

I am now in full on panic mode. The paper is cut, it can't be uncut. The cases were a special mill order and took nearly 3 weeks to come in. In 60 minutes I have single handedly (Actually because of safety locks on the cutter, it was technically double handedly) destroyed a months worth of work. It is late in the day and all managers have gone home or are leaving shortly. This means that I got ALL NIGHT to sit and stir over how angry my bosses would be, and how hard and how fast their foot would deliver my rear end to the curb. This did nothing to assuage my already hot temperment.

Morning comes, and I sheepishly drag myself to work, dreading the coming confrontation. I approach Lindy, my supervisor/co-worker. Our conversation went something like this:
Braden: "Ummm, Lindy, I made a really big mistake..."
Lindy: (Very cautiously) "What was that?"
Braden: "You know that paper for Glenwood? Yeah, I cut it the wrong way."
Lindy: "All of it?"
Braden: "Yeah..."
Lindy: "Hmmm...well, that's too bad."

and off she goes about her morning.

And once again, we have clear proof that I am a chronic worrier and am prone to making monumental mountains of eeetsy bitsy mole hills.

Besides, I mean, $1330 who cares right?


Blogger Eury said...

I can't blame you.. I would have been just as worried as you were.. I'm glad it all turned out for the better though. :)

10:58 PM  

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